This year has been one hell of a roller coaster, a bumpy sleigh ride, a potholed highway whatever you want to call it but It's a fair bet to say 2016 was stressful for most people but hopefully we all end on a high note.
New Years Resolutions?.. I don't think so, I honestly don't think I've ever successfully completed any of my Resolutions, so instead of setting myself up for failure, I decided to take some pointers from Kylie and make 2017 "My Year of Realising Shit". Instead of the usual try to lose weight, get healthier or in my more pathetic moments find a boyfriend. I'm going to spend this year focusing on my myself, my spiritual wellbeing and maybe this sounds selfish but my own happiness above all. I know this may not happen next year or the the year after that but I'm dedicating all my future New Years resolutions to finding myself...until I finally do.
P.S if I actually did gain something this year it's how to be deep af 😂 Happy New Years my lovely followers 💋💋